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AED Fund

Aid and purchase of AED machines to be placed throughout McPherson County.


Make a donation here.

Anderson Memorial Cafeteria Fund

The fund shall provide support for the enhancement of services and facilities of McPherson Hospital's cafeteria.


Make donation here.

Wilma Jean Cash Patient Room

The fund shall provide an enhanced environment and maintenance for inpatient rooms at McPherson Hospital.


Make donation here.

The Travis J. Hedlund Athletic Activity Fund

Funds shall provide financial aide to McPherson High School and McPherson Middle School activity departments for students in grades 7-12 participating in MHS & MMS athletic activities. Funds shall be specifically designated to the purchase of required equipment for participation that is not supplied by sponsoring schools.


Make donation here.


Candice & Candence Goebel Fund

Funds are to provide assistance with medical procedures for the underinsured and uninsured individuals diagnosed with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Qualified individuals must be Kansas residents.

Make donation here.

Charles & Lucille Johnson Memorial Hospital Cafeteria Fund

Funds shall provide support to the facilitating and maintenance of McPherson Hospital's Cafeteria and the services it provides.


Make donation here.

McPherson Healthcare Endowment Fund

Information coming soon.


Make donation here.

Warren Albert McVey Fund

The fund shall provide support to upgrade and maintain McPherson Hospital Campus grounds.


Make donation here.

Pierce Laboratory Endowed Fund

Funds are to assist the purchase of equipment to upgrade and/or remodel the McPherson Hospital Laboratory.


Make donation here.

The Radiology Fund

Funds are to provide financial assistance to the McPherson Hospital Radiology Department.


Make donation here.

Gallery of Honor Surgery Waiting Area

The Fund shall provide assistance with the overall customer service and medical care provided by McPherson Hospital to the following: patients, family members or friends of patients in the care of McPherson Hospital; physicians and medical professionals granting medical care at McPherson Hospital; and acknowledgements of the past and future financial contributors for the welfare and improvements at McPherson Hospital.


Make donation here.

The James A. & Marcella M. Tobin Room

Funds are to provide temporary residence for: family members of patients in the care of McPherson Hospital; medical students of Kansas University School of Medicine Rural Education Site; or visiting medical staff priding professional services to McPherson Hospital.


Make donation here.

Mark & Melissa Tipton Hope Fund

The fund shall provide transportation assistance to medical facilities for treatment and/or stabilization of patient health conditions. Qualified individuals must be McPherson County residents.


Make donation here.

Larry Wallace Nursing Scholarship

The fund shall provide support to a second year students of an Associate Degree or third year student of a Bachelor of Science Degree dedicated to achieving completion of Registered Nursing (RN) certification.


Make donation here.

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